Mediterranean Travel


Mediterranean Travel: People, Places, Encounters

People, Places, Encounters

Mediterranean Travel: People, Places, Encounters explores themes of travel in the medieval and early modern Mediterranean. The exhibition begins with a look at maritime travel and technology, then turns to aspects of Christian and Islamic pilgrimage. Warfare and diplomacy are treated as topics of travel, given the movement of military forces and diplomats, as well as the exchange of letters and information. The exhibition includes travelers's reflections and records of their journeys, such as the legendary travels of Alexander the Great and Marco Polo that captured the minds of readers.

Mediterranean Geography

War and Embassies


Technology and Navigation

Travel and Trade


Dr. Daniel K. Gullo


I wish to extend my thanks to Tim Ternes, Claire Kouri, and Mark Spangler for helping install the exhibition and creating a wonderful display. My thanks also to Dr. Matt Heintzelman and John Meyerhofer, who helped prepare the physical materials and online exhibition. The exhibition “Mediterranean Travel - People, Places, Encounters” was originally shown in June 2018 as part of the 2018 NEH Summer Institute “Thresholds of Change: Modernity and Transformation in the Late Medieval and Early Modern Mediterranean, 1400-1700” led by Dr. Kiril Petkov.

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