Arhiv Slovenske Frančiškanske Province Sv. Križa: HMML Repository
Arhiv Slovenske frančiškanske province sv. Križa
The archives have their roots in the 13th century, when the monastery was founded. Over the centuries, new manuscript sources have been added to the collection. It has been in its present location in Ljubljana since the end of the 18th century. In November 2023, the archives were given new, well-equipped facilities. The collection contains medieval codices and fragments, as well as Early Modern chronicles, registers, homilies, devotional treatises, literary texts, diaries, etc., in languages ranging from Latin to German, Slovenian, Hebrew, and Arabic. All the material has been collected through centuries by the Franciscan friars: some through connections with a broader European context, some through copying, an important part from the Balkans because of fear of the Ottomans (in the early 16th century), some from donations from local nobility, etc.
- Collection
- Western European
- Country
- Slovenia
- City
- Ljubljana
- Repository
- Arhiv Slovenske frančiškanske province sv. Križa
- Project Codes
- Type
- Digital
- Active Catalog Records
- 0
- Digital Surrogates
- 0
- HMML Authority File
- Languages
- Latin, German, Slovenian, Hebrew, Arabic
- Preservation Status
- In progress
- Cataloging Status
- Not started