Various (all Repositories): HMML Repository

Various (All Repositories)

The Ethiopian Manuscript Microfilm Library (EMML), forming HMML's first venture into Africa as one of the project's founding partners, microfilmed 9238 manuscripts in Ethiopia between 1973 and its conclusion in 1994. It comprises the largest and most important collection of Ethiopic manuscripts available to researchers.

Eastern Christian ; Islamic
Various (All Repositories)
Project Codes
Project Numbers
EMML 1-9232 (nonsequential)
Active Catalog Records
Digital Surrogates
ca. 5455
Microfilm Reels
ca. 7600
Date Preserved
HMML Reading Room (sample record)
Ge'ez, Amharic, Arabic
See below
Preservation Status
Cataloging Status
In progress
Legacy Catalog


William F. Macomber, "Two New Projects for Microfilming Oriental Manuscripts," in XVIII. deutscher Orientalistentag vom 1. bis 5. Oktober 1972 in Lübeck, ed. Wolfgang Voigt (Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft Supplement 2; Wiesbaden, 1974), 82-86.

William F. Macomber, A Catalogue of Ethiopian Manuscripts Microfilmed for the Ethiopian Manuscript Microfilm Library, Addis Ababa, and for the Monastic Manuscript Microfilm Library, Collegeville. Vol. I: Project Numbers 1-300 (Collegeville, 1975).

William F. Macomber, A Catalogue of Ethiopian Manuscripts Microfilmed for the Ethiopian Manuscript Microfilm Library, Addis Ababa, and for the Hill Monastic Manuscript Library, Collegeville. Vol. II: Project Numbers 301-700 (Collegeville, 1976).

William F. Macomber, A Catalogue of Ethiopian Manuscripts Microfilmed for the Ethiopian Manuscript Microfilm Library, Addis Ababa, and for the Hill Monastic Manuscript Library, Collegeville. Vol. III: Project Numbers 701-1100 (Collegeville, 1978).

Getatchew Haile, A Catalogue of Ethiopian Manuscripts Microfilmed for the Ethiopian Manuscript Microfilm Library, Addis Ababa, and for the Hill Monastic Manuscript Library, Collegeville. Vol. IV: Project Numbers 1101-1500 (Collegeville, 1979).

Getatchew Haile and William F. Macomber, A Catalogue of Ethiopian Manuscripts Microfilmed for the Ethiopian Manuscript Microfilm Library, Addis Ababa, and for the Hill Monastic Manuscript Library, Collegeville. Vol. V: Project Numbers 1501-2000 (Collegeville, 1981).

Getatchew Haile and William F. Macomber, A Catalogue of Ethiopian Manuscripts Microfilmed for the Ethiopian Manuscript Microfilm Library, Addis Ababa, and for the Hill Monastic Manuscript Library, Collegeville. Vol. VI: Project Numbers 2001-2500 (Collegeville, 1982).

Getatchew Haile and William F. Macomber, A Catalogue of Ethiopian Manuscripts Microfilmed for the Ethiopian Manuscript Microfilm Library, Addis Ababa, and for the Hill Monastic Manuscript Library, Collegeville. Vol. VII: Project Numbers 2501-3000 (Collegeville, 1983).

Getatchew Haile, A Catalogue of Ethiopian Manuscripts Microfilmed for the Ethiopian Manuscript Microfilm Library, Addis Ababa, and for the Hill Monastic Manuscript Library, Collegeville. Vol. VIII: Project Numbers 3001-3500 (Collegeville, 1985).

William F. Macomber, "The Present State of the Microfilm Collection of the Ethiopian Manuscript Microfilm Library," in Ethiopian Studies: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference, Tel-Aviv, 14-17 April 1980 (Rotterdam and Boston, 1986), 389-396.

Getatchew Haile, A Catalogue of Ethiopian Manuscripts Microfilmed for the Ethiopian Manuscript Microfilm Library, Addis Ababa, and for the Hill Monastic Manuscript Library, Collegeville. Vol. IX: Project Numbers 3501-4000 (Collegeville, 1987).

Getatchew Haile, A Catalogue of Ethiopian Manuscripts Microfilmed for the Ethiopian Manuscript Microfilm Library, Addis Ababa, and for the Hill Monastic Manuscript Library, Collegeville. Vol. X: Project Numbers 4001-5000 (Collegeville, 1993).

Columba Stewart, "A Brief History of the Ethiopian Manuscript Microfilm Library," in Studies in Ethiopian Languages, Literature, and History: Festschrift for Getatchew Haile, ed. Adam Carter McCollum (Aethiopistische Forschungen 83; Wiesbaden, 2017), 447-472.

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