HMML Global Operations: Ethiopia
Africa -
Ethiopia -
Addis Ababa, cities and sites across Tigray, Gojjam, Shewa, Wollo, and other provinces -
National Archives and Library of Ethiopia (NALA); The Institute for Ethiopian Studies at Addis Ababa University (IES); numerous church and monastic libraries, including Endā Abbā Garimā Monastery, Dabra Śāhel Agwazā Monastery, Gunda Gundē Monastery, and Sherif Harar City Museum -
Geʻez, Amharic, and Arabic -
Project Dates
1974–1994, 2006, 2013 -
Ethiopian Manuscript Microfilm Library (EMML), Ethiopian Orthodox Church
Ethiopia was HMML’s first project with Eastern Christian manuscripts and its first in Africa. That pioneering effort in the 1970s created the Ethiopian Manuscript Microfilm Library (EMML) a collection of some 9,000 manuscripts from across Ethiopia, allowing a full view of Ethiopic literature for the first time. Cataloger Dr. Getatchew Haile received a MacArthur Fellowship in recognition of his life’s work on the collection, publishing a 10-volume EMML catalog with William Macomber between 1975 and 1993. Also in HMML’s microfilm collections are scans of non-EMML material from the UNESCO and Ernst Hammerschmidt Tanasee projects of the 1960s. Born-digital work in the 21st century has focused on collections that were not included in the EMML, notably manuscripts from the 15th-century monastery of Gunda Gundē (over 200 manuscripts photographed with Michael Gervers and Ewa Bailicka-Witakowska in 2006), Agwaxa Monastery (photographed by the same team in 2007), and the famed two-volume Abba Garima Gospels from the monastery of Endā Abbā Garimā (photographed in 2013)—all in Tigray Province. The collection also includes manuscripts from a recent collaboration with the Ethiopian Orthodox Church; the Ethiopian Manuscript Digital Archive (EMDA); manuscript images from Steve Delamarter's Ethiopian Manuscript Image Project (EMIP); and Islamic materials of Harar provided by the Sherif Harar City Museum.